I’m coming home. Life here in Germany seems not offer so many positive things and opportunities as there are present in Australia. Home is where the heart is. I feel as if it lies in Newtown. I miss playing in the streets and being surrounded by strangers who support what I love doing – entertaining and making music.

In Germany I was often faced with people who never really enjoyed their life. When they finished school they went straight to College or began an Apprenticeship. From this point on they never really changed doing what they were doing. And they continued doing the same thing every single day. Until they get retired. Just to start receiving some money and trying hard to find a hobby that suits them.

I want to make it different. Why not making your hobby your job as people always recommend? I give it a try! Music is not only my hobby. It’s my life. My remedy. My connector. Why not making it the center of my life?

In June 2008 I did totally the right thing when I auditioned at the JMC academy in Sydney. I sang “Mr. Curiosity” by Jason Mraz and “Mona Lisa” by Guster. I was accepted and am now ready to enroll until March 2010.

I booked my flight. I’m taking off on December 8th and am reaching Australian ground two days later with time shift included. I’m looking forward seeing my happy Newtown crowd again, dining in at Naked Espresso – where I used to work for so long – on Saturday and to finally do my Newtown Busking act on King St in the evening. It will be so great!

Until then many other things have to get organized.

- Which instruments am I taking with me?
- Whom do I have to say good bye to?
- Will I be having excess baggage?

And the most important question to me: Will everything remain that easy? Will people still support my music? Will life will continue treading me the way that I am used to treat others? Will it all come back already now? Am I allowed to ask for it or will it simply happen?
It will be a beginning of my real journey. Taking off to start the life I have been dreaming of for so long. It will be great :) !

Much love,
Julien @ Ludwigsfelde


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