My feet touch Australian Ground! YEAH!

I head right to the customs. No complaints at all! Great :) . They neither requests my length of stay nor why I have a one qay ticket only. My suitcase is one of the first to arrive at the baggage carousel. I grab it and go to the quarantine – the part I am most afraid of. If they find you suspicious they simply make you unpack your whole baggage! They get all out and you have to get all back in. I think it would be quite hard for me managing to repack everything again since my dad had done a great job when I left.

They last security guy whom I face simply asks me if the guitar is everything I have with me that contains organic material. He also asks me for pears, apples and banana since Germans like bringing them along he says. I was send right to the exit when I said that my guitar was the only thing. THANK YOU!

I’m almost there: The finish line is in sight. That is a line arriving people cross to then head out of the airport. But before I leave the airport I have to meet Olaf – a German guy who was asked by Mr. Schmidt to make a little video about my arrival. Hopefully it’s not being used commercially or something since I do not really like supporting Southern World Ltd. (Berlin) any longer.

The guy films the whole ride to Erskineville (close to Newtown) and pays the taxi. I’ll be staying for the next couple of days with my muso friend Andy Golledge until I find a permanent house. Feels good to be back here!

I get my guitar out of the case and we play some songs together. We both really enjoy it! It definitely feels good being back here!

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