I’m back!

And the now I need to get some things ready. Quite a lot of things.

When I was in Thailand I bought a sim card. And when I left Thailand I put the Thai Sim card into the little cardboard pack my Australian Sim card was in. When I packed my stuff in Germany I of course didn’t neither take the Thai Sim Card box nor did I check if my Crazy Johns Pack (Aussi Mobile Provider) contains the right sim card. I only noticed during the flight.

So NOW I need a new sim card while keeping my old number. Sounds quite like a challenge. Ok so let’s get this ready today, let’s get a busking amp, a mic stand and a busking license.

But first... let’s see what is on in Newtown!

It takes me about 15 minutes of a walk till I reach King St. Arriving there I go to Dolce Gelato to see my friends Paul and Fotini who both work in that shop. Paul serves me a nice Ice Cream (a N-Ice-Cream) on the house. Thanks Paul!

I walk further down the road to see if the muso shop down there has all I need. They have a mic stand and a mic clip. But I’m not ready yet to buy there.

So I walk further down to Doy Thai. My favourite Thai Restaurant. That is where I have been eating in about 50 times. I order some nice tofu with chilli, basil and rice for only $8. So good!

Doy Thai is right at the corner to Holmwood Street. That is where I used to live for about 9 Months. I decide to see what is still there. The remote doorbell I bought last year is already broken, so I knock on the door. A long haired guy with a gothic-look opens up. He is pretty nice – almost looks like bligh with black hair – and he asks me in. I’m shocked being faced with such a change in the house. It is not that bad as I imagined but it is did not change to a clean house so far :P .

Beside Hemmingway and Trotzky there is another dog. I don’t know what kind of dof it is but is is always trying to chew on my fingers ;) .

I try to find some of my old stuff I could still use. The printer, or some clothes I couldn’t take with me, or the dust mite protector I was so happy to receive last year, or the cheques Bligh is still “Keeping” for me...

But NOTHING! Only after entering the laundry room I discover my dust mite protector. This thing is important to me so I take it with me say goodbye to the guy who now lives with Bligh (forgot his name) and then leave the house. This might have been my last time entering it.

Then I get a bus ticket to head to the City. I get of on George Street and thank the bus driver for having taken me there – like everyone else does. It is a great place to live where bus driver’s jobs are being appreciated by the public. Try the difference: Next time you leave the bus thank the bus driver! Believe me, this DOES change a lot!

Arriving in the phone shop on George Street to request a new sim card with my old number they tell me that they can’t do anything for me today! They encounter technical problems in their processing centre themselves. So the shop assistant asks me to come back tomorrow... all right.

Well that is not what I expected :-/ . But I’m still in a great mood and I’m driven to see what else Sydney has to offer me.

I walk till I reach Allain’s Music. That’s the biggest music shops in Sydney. My friend Paul works there. Paul is about 50 years old, was singer and guitarist in a heavy metal band, has hair down to his kidneys, hes is vegan and he enjoys coming to Basil on the Weekend to be served my special cappuccino. He is a great guy! His eyes are widely open when he recognises me in the shop. Buying the Roland Cube Street and a microphone stand he takes a big percentage off the price!

With both I move to the next bus stop where I wait for the 555 bus. The 555 bus is a free bus service which is provided by the city of Sydney. Great! I wait about 30min until a bus comes by. But then I’m happy to get on. I’m getting of at town hall where I then get my busking license. The official guy who processes my request is really friendly and it feels so good again to be back here being surrounded by happy and friendly people.

With my new license and my amp I head forward to the bus stop where I leave off to Newtown. With the stuff on my shoulders (about 12kg) I finally reach Andy’s home. Problem: Andy himself is not at home to open the door. So I go to the Pub opposite Andy’s house to asks for the next pay phone (mine is obviously not working...). They offer me to leave all my stuff at the Pub and so I do. Arriving at the pay phone another problem occurs: It does take coins... but the coin slit doesn’t work. So I call the operator for this pay phone to tell them it was not working. They tell me they already know about the problem... mh GREAT! That doesn’t help me pretty much. I really need to reach Andy to get inside the house! I finally decide to put my German sim card in to call him for estimated 4€ a Minute...

He tells me he’d be at his brothers house and he’d be at the house in about half an hour. So I walk back to the pub and had several conversations with the two bar girls and the pub owner. Only two hours later Andy finally arrives with his brother.

Inviting another friend over we four guys then go down to Andy’s swimming pool and play funny ball games :D .

After about two hours we spend in the chlorine water we go upstairs. I set up the couch with my dust mite protector and start watching a movie with Andy. It doesn’t last long till this first day in Australia ends and till I’m encountering sweet dreams with sweet hums of mosquitoes pampering my ear – almost like in the first nights in Holmwood St :) .

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