I am packing my bags. It’s not much time left to get everything organized. I was just seeing Julia to say good bye. Felt different this time. Human warmth was filling the room right to the top :) .

There are so many things I shall not forget to take with me. Until 4am I am synchronizing the data on my external disks with my desktop computer. After that I go to bed to get about 2 hours of sleep.

I wake up in the morning. My dad is quicker than the alarm clock but I’m still lying there and waiting for the music coming out of my mobile. It’s just easier for me to get up that way.

Typical holyday preparation stress sets in when I get out of the shower and do final adjustment to the huge suitcase I take with me. I’m allowed to take 30kg with me – what is already very generous from the airline! But I still exceed the limit. Although it’s summer time and clothes are lighter in general. Before packing I was that optimistic to take my cajon and my busking amp (6kg each) with me to Australia. Now I realize that I have to unpack the amp and leave the cajon at home.

Mum, dad and I are leaving the house in a real hurry. It’s already 8.10am and the train leaves at 8.20am. Dad manages to be at the station on time. He doesn’t find a parking spot straight away so mum and me already leave the car to get some tickets. My dad has to take a little sprint since the train is about to arrive in a few seconds. We all make it right in time. I’m impressed how sportive my dad still is with his now 60 years of age :P .

We reach Berlin Hauptbahnhof at about 8.40am . Kaichen is arriving very soon after us. Sarah, Romy and Eva are joining us as well. It is so lovely having everyone around again! Finally arriving on the top floor and having the train arriving I can’t hold back my tears. I really don’t like good byes. But who does?

So I get on the train, wave until my family and friends are moving out of sight and then I move further to get seated in the train. I find a good spot and stay there for the next 5 hours until I reach Dortmund. Arriving there I am seeing my old love Lisa. We are both having a salad at subways (and some cookies :P ) and we are talking about but lays behind us and which situations we are faced with soon. Lisa, you impressed quite a lot with your story about what might is about to happen :) .

We said goodbye at the same spot where I left her in tears on September 2nd 2008.

Arriving at Frankfurt Airport Jule was the last friend I should say good bye to on that day. I check my baggage in (33kb and still no complaints – THANK YOU Emirates!) .

I get a Mc-O-Fish-Filet or whatever it is called to stop myself of being hungry for a little while. I bring her to the station in hope to see her again so very soon. Maybe Australia – who knows :) ?

I wave good bye a last time. The I go up stairs and pass the customs. I take a seat to download some emails and to activate my phones mailbox again. Cause this time I am prepared to leave a little notice on my mailbox ;) .

While I am taking out my boarding passes I recognize the time and start getting in a hurry again. Time has passed quicker than I felt it would. I end up passing the security checks and then finding myself sitting, waiting and calling my mailbox for about two long hours since our flight is 2 hours late due to a medical emergency. That’s alright… I mean I don’t really mind waiting a bit. The only thing that bothers me is, that I would really like to send some messages to be beloved ones as soon as I reach my planes seats.

After getting on board with my heavy guitar, my little back pack and an extra bag I take a seat. My guitar is getting nicely put into a under compartment. Thank you again – Emirates :) . I really appreciate the great service this air line offers! I mean I wouldn’t want my guitar to be put to the other luggage, which is being kept cold in the air and being roughly handled when loaded out.

Next to me two very nice guy around 40 years of age are seated. They both are from Elsterwerda in Brandenburg. Feels good to have people like them around! One of them is an Ice Cream producer.

I start typing my messages and send them to all my loved ones. For those who don’t get a message: Time and Credit were limited. So sorry for that :) .

Captain says: “Crew get ready for takeoff” . That’s sign for me as well. Sign to finally start of to a vibrant new future full of love and passion while I am swimming in my own dream. This will be great!

Goodbye everyone! See you in OZ :)

Julien @ Runway Frankfurt Main.

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